Wednesday 1 June 2016

MSTest Suite Compatibility with DotNet Core Projects.

About two days ago, MSTest compatibility with Core Projects (projects based on .NetCore, CoreClr) was announced. It seems a good thing but I can't help but wonder how certain things are chained and MSTest is one of the results of some of the churn we have seen in the last few weeks.

AspNet Core 1.0 RC2 was announced about a couple of weeks ago and the dotnet team also annouced that the project type for dotNet Core projects has changed from xproj to csproj and it wasn't too popular an announcement, which you can read the announcements and comments here if you didn't read the announcement and the comments. With the announcement of MSTest, I think its clear why csproj is favoured over xproj, incompatibility with MSTest. Xproj (which from what we have heard online for a long time, means DNX project). with which the language doesn't matter and is different from csproj for C-sharp and vbproj for VB. According to this site, MSTest isn't compatible with xproj, which led to xUnit, a testing suite used by the AspNet Team. Since reverting back to csproj format for .NetCore, CoreClr, AspNet Core projects, mysteriously, MSTest works with them type of projects! I don't like the happenings around these projects since RC2 of AspNet was released. Lets hope things get clearer.

Again, these are the opinions of a lowly .Net dev.

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